Sevil Şen's home > Teaching > BBM456 Computer and Network Security

Course Description

This introductory security course provides a comprehensive overview of network and computer security, covering topics like cryptography, authentication, and authorization. Students explore vulnerabilities and attacks across network layers, including MAC, network, transport, and application layers. Emphasis is placed on implementing security countermeasures such as VPNs, firewalls, and IDS to mitigate risks effectively. Through theoretical learning and practical examples, students learn to identify and respond to security threats efficiently.

Course Time

Thursday, 13:30-16:00 (SH in the Dept. of Computer Engineering, HU)

Please go to Piazza and enroll in the course: BBM456

Course Outline

Date Subject Assignments
20/02/2025 Introduction
27/02/2025 Computer Networks and Security Fundamentals
06/03/2025 MAC Layer: Sniffing and Spoofing, Attacks
13/03/2025 Network Layer: BGP, IP, ICMP, and Attacks
20/03/2025 Transport Layer: TCP, UDP, and Attacks
27/03/2025 Application Layer: DNS and Attacks
03/04/2025 Midterm Exam
10/04/2025 AI in Cybersecurity Assigment out
17/04/2025 Cryptography: History, Stream Ciphers
24/04/2025 Symetric Cryptography: Block Ciphers
01/05/2025 Cyrptographic Data Integrity Algorithms
08/05/2025 Asymetric Cryptography Assigment due
15/05/2025 PKI, Security Protocols: TLS, IPSec
22/05/2025 Authentication and Authorization


W. Du, Computer & Internet Security: A Hands-on Approach, 3rd ed., 2024.
W. Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 8th ed. Pearson, 2023.

Tentative Grading

Attendance 10%
Midterm Exam 25%
Assigment 25%
Final Exam 40%