BIL 407, 2011-2012 Fall
Mathematical Techniques in Computer Science
Lectures: Thursday 09:00-11:45 @D9
Instructor: Erkut Erdem
Office: 114
Office Hours: Wednesday 16:00-18:00
Course Description:
This course serves as an introduction to image processing for undergraduates. The course will introduce mathematical models to restore/enhance digital images, and describe algorithms for image analysis. We will start with an overview of the basic concepts of digital image processing. Then we will introduce the point operations and histogram processing. We will next explore spatial filtering techniques (linear and nonlinear), and image segmentation methods (boundary-based, region-based, and unified formulations). The last part of the course will cover the Fourier Transform and frequency domain techniques.
Good math (calculus, linear algebra, statistical approaches) and programming (MATLAB, C) background. Students were not expected to have any prior knowledge of image processing techniques.
The textbook will be available at the reserve desk in the library.
Tentative Outline
Assignments Policy
There will be at least five programming assignments, which will involve implementations in C or MATLAB programming environments and discussion of the obtained experimental results. There will also be some warm-up and reading assignments. Homeworks have to be done individually, i.e. there is no teaming up.
Grading Policy
HW 30%, Midterm 30%, Final %40
Homework Assignments