MUH101 Introduction To Programming

MUH101 Introduction To Programming


Section Department Instructor Class Location Class Hours Office Location Office Hours
1 Env. Eng. Dr. Selma DİLEK Yıldız Amfi M13 Tue 9:00 - 11:50 Comp. Eng. Z06 By appointment
2 Civil Eng. Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Selman BOZKIR Yıldız Amfi M9 Wed 13:00 - 16:00 - To be announced

Platform for Course Announcements and Discussions

All course announcements and resources will be shared on Hacettepe University Digital Learning Platform (HADİ). All course discussions will be conducted on the same platform. You are expected to follow all class announcements and activities throughout the semester.

Midterm I Announcement

Dear students,

Midterm I will be held on Tuesday, 26/03/2024 at the Faculty of Law (Hukuk Fakültesi binasında) at 17:30 in the following classrooms:
  • Section 1 (Environmental Engineering students) in A3 amphitheater.
  • Section 2 (Civil Engineering students) in A1 amphitheater.

Midterm II Announcement

Dear students,

Midterm II will be held on Wednesday, 24/04/2024 at the Faculty of Law (Hukuk Fakültesi binasında) at 18:00 in the following classrooms:
  • Section 1 (Environmental Engineering students) in A2 amphitheater.
  • Section 2 (Civil Engineering students) in A1 amphitheater.

Section 1 07/05/2024 Announcement

Dear Section 1 students,

Due to my administrative responsibilities at the Hacettepe Üniversitesi 41. Spor Şenliği on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 as the representative of the Faculty of Engineering Athletics Team, we will not have a lecture on Tuesday, May 7, 2024.

Selma Dilek

Make-Up Exam Announcement

Dear students,

A Make-Up Exam for both Midterm I and Midterm II will be held on Wednesday, 22/05/2024 at the Computer Engineering Department at 17:00 in D5 classroom on the ground floor. Only students who have a valid official medical report for the date of the exam they missed are eligible to take the make-up exam. Please contact your section instructor via e-mail to apply for taking the exam and send your report.

Final Exam Announcement

Dear students,

Final Exam will be held on Wednesday, 29/05/2024 at Yıldız Amfi at 12:30 in the following classrooms:
  • Section 1 (Environmental Engineering students) in M11 amphitheater.
  • Section 2 (Civil Engineering students) in M9 amphitheater.

Resit Exam Announcement

Dear students,

Resit Exam will be held on Wednesday, 26/06/2024 at the Computer Engineering Department at 12:30 in the following classrooms:
  • Section 1 (Environmental Engineering students) in D1.
  • Section 2 (Civil Engineering students) in D2.

Useful Resources

Course Schedule (Updated on 28/03/2023)

Date Topic Lecture Slides (HTML) Lecture Slides (PDF) Assignment/Midterm Links
20-21/02/2024 Welcome to MUH101 Lecture 1 [HTML] Lecture 1 [PDF]
27-28/02/2024 Branching and Iteration Lecture 2 [HTML] Lecture 2 [PDF]
05-06/03/2024 Iterations Lecture 3 [HTML] Lecture 3 [PDF]
12-13/03/2024 Functions and Scope Lecture 4 [HTML] Lecture 4 [PDF]
19-20/03/2024 Functions and Recursion Lecture 5 [HTML] Lecture 5 [PDF]
26/03/2024 Tuesday Midterm I (Faculty of Law, at 17:30) Section 1 (Env. Eng.) in A3 amphitheater Section 2 (Civil. Eng.) in A1 amphitheater
26-27/03/2024 Tuples and Lists Lecture 6 [HTML] Lecture 6 [PDF]
02-03/04/2024 Dictionaries Lecture 7 [HTML] Lecture 7 [PDF]
09-10/04/2024 Ramazan Eid - -
16-17/04/2024 Testing and Debugging Lecture 8 [HTML] Lecture 8 [PDF]
24/04/2024 Wednesday Midterm II (Faculty of Law, at 18:00) Section 1 (Env. Eng.) in A2 amphitheater Section 2 (Civil. Eng.) in A1 amphitheater
24/04/2024 (S2) Exceptions and Assertions Lecture 9 [HTML] Lecture 9 [PDF]
30/04/2024 (S1) Exceptions and Assertions Lecture 9 [HTML] Lecture 9 [PDF]
07-08/05/2024 File IO Lecture 10 [HTML] Lecture 10 [PDF]
14-15/05/2024 Classes and Objects Lecture 11 [HTML] Lecture 11 [PDF]
21-22/05/2024 Fundamental Algorithms Lecture 12 [HTML] Lecture 12 [PDF]
29/05/2023 Wednesday Final Exam (Yıldız Amfi at 12:30) Section 1 (Env. Eng.) in M11 amphitheater Section 2 (Civil. Eng.) in M9 amphitheater