""" ASSIGNMENT RULES - You are strictly forbidden to share answers with your course mates. - You are not allowed to search for answers on the Internet. You are not allowed to ask for answers in forums or other online communication systems. - Note that, when you find an answer on the web, somebody else will also find it and use it. This means, both of you will submit the exact same answer. This, then, means cheating, no matter you know the other person or not. - If your answers are similar to some other student's answers, you will receive -100 points from the assignment. We don't care whether you know the other person or not, we don't care whether he/she is your friend or not, we don't care who delivered and who received. Both parties get -100 points. - You are not allowed to import any packages. If there are any imports in your submission, we will remove them before grading. - If your file doesn't compile, then you receive 0. Make sure that your indentation and syntax is correct. - Do not change the below function definitions. In other words, DO NOT CHANGE the function names and the parameters of the functions. You are only allowed to write code within the function scope. - Do not print anything on the screen unless you are asked to. Some questions require you to RETURN a value. Printing that value on the screen is not equal to returning the value. - Do not submit any testing code. DO NOT FORGET TO FILL THE LINES BELOW: My full name : _______________ My student ID : _______________ My department : _______________ My piazza email : _______________ """ """ Question 1: (30 points) Write a function named `pyramid(s)` that takes a string as its input and PRINTs out a pyramid on the screen based on this string. For example, when called as `pyramid("BURKAY")` it will print: B UU RRR KKKK AAAAA YYYYYY """ def pyramid(s): # You must first remove this empty return line to answer this question. # Do not remove it if you will leave this question unanswered. return """ Question 2: (35 Points) Two integers are relatively prime (or coprime) if there is no integer greater than one that divides them both (that is, their greatest common divisor is 1). Write a function that takes two integers and RETURNs True if the integers have a common divisor that is different than 1 (if they are not relatively prime), otherwise returns False. For example, notRelPrime(3,5) returns False, whereas notRelPrime(8,12) returns True. Because, 3 and 5 have only one common divisor, which is 1, whereas 8 and 12 are both divisible by 1, 2 and 4. """ def notRelPrime(a,b): # You must first remove this empty return line to answer this question. # Do not remove it if you will leave this question unanswered. return """ Question 3: (35 points) Write a function that computes and RETURNs the following recursive value: A(n) = A(n-1) + 1 , if n is odd A(n-1) + 2 , if n is even 0 , if n is 1 """ def recursion(n): # You must first remove this empty return line to answer this question. # Do not remove it if you will leave this question unanswered. return