Lecture 12

Fundamental Algorithms

Burkay Genç, Ahmet Selman Bozkır, and Selma Dilek



  • Object Oriented Programming
    • A different way of thinking about programming
  • Classes
  • Objects


  • Searching
  • Sorting


Algorithmic Complexity

  • A problem can be solved with many different algorithms
  • Some will take seconds, others will take years
  • Algorithm design is an important part of engineering
  • Complexity shows how an algorithm will perform on very large inputs

Fundamental Algorithms

  • There are two types of algorithms that are frequently used by other algorithms
    • Searching algorithms : search within a list for an item
    • Sorting algorithms : sort a list of items in ascending order
  • General algorithm design methodology:
    • Develop an understanding of the complexity of the problem
    • Think about how to break the problem into subproblems
    • Solve subproblems using existing efficient algorithms


Search Algorithm

  • A search algorithm is a method for finding an item or group of items with specific properties within a collection of items
  • We refer to the collection of items as a search space
  • Many problems in real life can be reduced to search problems


def lin_search(L, e):
  """Assumes L is a list.
  Returns True if e is in L and False otherwise"""
  • How is that different than e in L?

Linear Search

Binary Search

Binary Search

  • If you are given a list of items in sorted order, can you search for a specific item faster than linear time?
    • The answer is YES
  • strategy
    • Look at the item in the middle
    • If it is equal to the item you are searching for,
      • return True
    • Else if it is less than what you are searching for
      • Repeat the search with the right half
    • Else,
      • Repeat the search with the left half


  • example
    • Searching for 7
    • Given a sorted list:
li = [1,3,4,5,7,12,17,18,19,24,32,33,35,40]
  • Is 7 in this list?


  • There are
## 14

items in the list

  • Check the middle one
li[len(li) // 2]
## 18
  • 18 is greater than 7, so we repeat with the left half.


li = li[0:(len(li)//2)]
## [1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 17]
  • Check the middle one
li[len(li) // 2]
## 5
  • 5 is less than 7, so we repeat with the right half.


li = li[(len(li)//2+1):len(li)]
## [7, 12, 17]
  • Check the middle one
li[len(li) // 2]
## 12
  • 12 is greater than 7, so we repeat with the left half.


li = li[0:(len(li)//2)]
## [7]
  • Check the middle one
li[len(li) // 2]
## 7
  • We found 7 in the list!


  • Let’s turn this into python code
def bsearch(L, e, start, end):  # Search e in L[start:end]
  if start == end:
    return L[start] == e:


  • Now, check the middle item:
def bsearch(L, e, start, end):  # Search e in L[start:end]
  if start == end:
    return L[start] == e:
    middle = (start+end)//2     # middle item of the list
    if L[middle] == e:
      return True


  • Now, recurse into the correct half:
def bsearch(L, e, start, end):  # Search e in L[start:end]
  if start == end:
    return L[start] == e
    middle = (start+end)//2     # middle item of the list
    if L[middle] == e:
      return True
    elif e < L[middle]:
      return bsearch(L, e, start, middle)  # keep searching in the left half
      return bsearch(L, e, middle + 1, end) # keep searching in the right half


  • Let’s test
L = [1,3,4,5,7,12,17,18,19,24,32,33,35,40]
bsearch(L, 7, 0, len(L)-1)
## True
bsearch(L, 1, 0, len(L)-1)
## True
bsearch(L, 40, 0, len(L)-1)
## True
bsearch(L, 0, 0, len(L)-1)
## False
bsearch(L, 50, 0, len(L)-1)
## False
bsearch(L, 9, 0, len(L)-1)
## False


  • It is not pretty to write bsearch(L, 7, 0, len(L) - 1)
    • Too many arguments to call
def bin_search(li, it):
  return bsearch(li, it, 0, len(L) - 1)
bin_search(L, 7)
## True
bin_search(L, 45)
## False


  • Is bin_search really faster than lin_search?
    • If the list is sorted, on the average, YES
import time
from random import gauss
li = [gauss(0,1) for i in range(1000000)] # Create a list of one million random numbers
li.sort()                                 # sort the list
start = time.process_time()               # mark the start of lin_search
for i in range(1, 20):                    # search for 20 different numbers 
  res = lin_search(li, li[50000*i])
lin_elapsed = time.process_time() - start # mark the end
start = time.process_time()               # do the same for bin_search
for i in range(1, 20):
  res = bin_search(li, li[50000*i])
bin_elapsed = time.process_time() - start
print("Time spent in linear search:", lin_elapsed)  # print the results
## Time spent in linear search: 1.25
print("Time spent in binary search:", bin_elapsed)
## Time spent in binary search: 0.0


  • What really happened?
    • At each recursive call, binary search gets rid of half of the current list
    • In the first call it gets rid of 500000 items,
    • Then 250000 items,
    • Then 125000 items,
  • How many times can you do that?
    • When you hit 1 item, you have to stop
  • This is called logarithms in base two
    • Recursion will run log2(len(li)) times
    • log2(1000000)<<1000000
    • log time << linear time



  • A sorted list is easier to search
  • But how can we sort a list as fast as possible?
  • Python’s built-in sort function is very efficient
    • It runs in O(nlogn) time
      • That is a special notation computer scientists use to represent speed of algorithms
      • O(n2)>O(nlogn)>O(n)>O(logn)>O(1)
      • binary search: O(logn)
      • linear search: O(n)
      • python’s sort: O(nlogn)

Selection Sort

  • Python’s sort is fast, use it!
  • We provide selection sort only for practice purposes
  • strategy
    • loop invariant
      • L = prefix + suffix
      • prefix = L[0:i]
      • suffix = L[i:len(L)]
      • at the end of ith iteration
        • prefix is sorted
        • all items in suffix are greater than all items in prefix

Selection Sort

def selSort(L):
  """Assumes that L is a list of elements that can be compared using >.
  Sorts L in ascending order"""
  suffixStart = 0
  while suffixStart != len(L):
    #look at each element in suffix
    for i in range(suffixStart, len(L)):
      if L[i] < L[suffixStart]:
        #swap position of elements
        L[suffixStart], L[i] = L[i], L[suffixStart]
    suffixStart += 1

li = [9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
## [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]


  • What is the complexity of selection sort?
    • the for loop runs O(n) times
    • the while loop runs O(n) times
    • overall: O(n)O(n)=O(n2)
  • It is a very slow algorithm for large inputs
li = [i for i in range(10000, 1, -1)]
li2 = li.copy()
start = time.process_time()
elapsed = time.process_time() - start
## 4.515625
start = time.process_time()
elapsed = time.process_time() - start
## 0.0

How To Sort Fast?

  • Fast sorting algorithms use an approach called Divide and Conquer
    • Divide the problem into two halves
    • Solve the problem on each half
    • Combine/merge the halves
  • Examples
    • mergesort
    • quicksort