

  • functions
  • decomposition / abstraction
  • scope


  • more functions
  • recursion

Functions II


  • Write a function that computes the least common multiple: smallest number that is a multiple of two provided numbers.


  • To solve a problem
    • understand the problem
    • see examples
    • develop a strategy
    • refine the strategy
    • convert strategy to code,
    • test result
      • go back to previous steps if necessary (if something fails)


  • Write a function that computes the least common multiple: smallest number that is a multiple of two provided numbers.

  • understanding

    • we are given two numbers: X and Y
    • we will find a number Z, such that
      • Z is perfectly divided by X
      • Z is perfectly divided by Y
      • Z is minimal (there is no smaller Z)


  • Write a function that computes the least common multiple: smallest number that is a multiple of two provided numbers.

  • examples

    • For 2 and 3 -> 6
    • For 4 and 5 -> 20
    • For 4 and 6 -> 12
    • For 3 and 9 -> 9


  • Write a function that computes the least common multiple: smallest number that is a multiple of two provided numbers.

  • strategy

    • let BIG be the larger number and SMALL be the smaller
    • if BIG is divisible by SMALL
      • then we are done, return BIG
    • otherwise, let i = 2
      • if BIG * i is divisible by SMALL
        • then we are done, return BIG * i
      • otherwise increment i and repeat the above check


  • Write a function that computes the least common multiple: smallest number that is a multiple of two provided numbers.

  • refine

    • let BIG be the larger number and SMALL be the smaller
    • if BIG is divisible by SMALL
      • then we are done, return BIG
    • otherwise, let i = 2 1
    • if while BIG * i is NOT divisible by SMALL
      • then we are done, return BIG * i
      • otherwise increment i and repeat the above check
    • return BIG * i


  • Write a function that computes the least common multiple: smallest number that is a multiple of two provided numbers.

  • refine

    • let BIG be the larger number and SMALL be the smaller
    • let i = 1
    • while BIG * i is NOT divisible by SMALL
      • increment i
    • return BIG * i


  • Write a function that computes the least common multiple: smallest number that is a multiple of two provided numbers.

  • code

def LCM(X, Y):
   if X > Y:
      BIG, SMALL = X, Y
      BIG, SMALL = Y, X
   i = 1
   while not ((BIG * i) % SMALL == 0):
      i = i + 1
   return (BIG * i)


  • Write a function that computes the least common multiple: smallest number that is a multiple of two provided numbers.

  • test

print(LCM(3, 5))
## 15
print(LCM(1, 4))
## 4
print(LCM(12, 4))
## 12
print(LCM(6, 8))
## 24


  • Write a program that sums up two rational numbers

  • understanding

    • We are given two rational numbers: \(\frac{a}{b}\) and \(\frac{c}{d}\)
    • We have to compute \(\frac{a}{b}+\frac{c}{d}\)
    • To do this, we need to find the LCM of b and d
    • Then we multiply a with \(\frac{lcm}{b}\)
      • and multiply c with \(\frac{lcm}{d}\)
    • When both denominators are equal to lcm, we sum up the numerators. The result is

\[\frac{a*lcm/b}{lcm} + \frac{c*lcm/d}{lcm} = \frac{a*lcm/b+c*lcm/d}{lcm}\]


  • Write a program that sums up two rational numbers

  • examples

    • \(\frac{2}{3}+\frac{4}{5} = \frac{22}{15}\)
    • \(\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{2} = \frac{3}{4}\)
    • \(\frac{3}{7}+\frac{5}{21} = \frac{14}{21}\)
  • Normally, \(\frac{14}{21}\) should be simplified as \(\frac{2}{3}\), but we will omit this for now.


  • Write a program that sums up two rational numbers

  • strategy

    • ask for a, b, c and d
    • compute lcm = LCM(c, d) reusing the LCM function from previous exercise
    • output \(\frac{a*lcm/b+c*lcm/d}{lcm}\)


  • Write a program that sums up two rational numbers

  • refine

    • There doesn’t seem to be any area for refinement


  • Write a program that sums up two rational numbers

  • code

def sumRationals(a, b, c, d):
   lcm = LCM(b, d)
   numerator = int(a * lcm / b + c * lcm / d) #use int() to avoid x.0
   print(numerator, "/", lcm)
  • QUESTION: why not return? why print?


  • Write a program that sums up two rational numbers

  • test

# Normally this should be requested from the user using input()
sumRationals(2, 3, 1, 4)
## 11 / 12
sumRationals(1, 3, 1, 3)
## 2 / 3
sumRationals(4, 15, 2, 5)
## 10 / 15



  • Let \(n!\) be the factorial of n,
    • \(n! = 1\times 2\times 3\times ...\times n-2 \times n-1 \times n\)
    • \(n! = (n-1)! \times n\)
    • \((n-1)! = (n-2)! \times (n-1)\)
    • \((n-2)! = (n-3)! \times (n-2)\)
    • \((n-3)! = (n-4)! \times (n-3)\)
    • \(1! = 1\)


  • Let fact(n) be a function that computes factorial of n
  • How do you implement it?


  • Let fact(n) be a function that computes factorial of n
  • strategy
    • fact(1) = 1 this is the base case
    • fact(n) = fact(n - 1) * n this is the inductive step
  • fact(n) = fact(n - 1) * n
    • fact(n - 1) = fact(n - 2) * (n - 1)
    • fact(n - 2) = fact(n - 3) * (n - 2)
    • fact(n - 3) = fact(n - 4) * (n - 3)
    • fact(1) = 1


  • code
def fact(n):
   if n == 1: 
      return (1)
      return (n * fact(n - 1))
  • test
print(fact(2)) # 2x1
## 2
print(fact(5)) # 5x4x3x2x1
## 120
print(fact(7)) # 7x6x5x4x3x2x1
## 5040

Recursive Functions

  • Recursion is a bit more difficult to think and code
  • But if cleverly done, it results in much shorter and cleaner code

Fibonacci Numbers

  • Can we implement Fibonacci numbers with recursion?
    • \(F_n = F_{n-1}+F_{n-2}\)
    • Yes!
def fibo(n):
   if n == 1 or n == 2:
      return (1)
      return fibo(n - 1) + fibo(n - 2)
## 5
## 13

Fibonacci Numbers

  • What is really going on???
    • Let’s change the code a bit to debug it
def fibo(n, depth):
   print(depth * "  " + "Computing fibo(" + str(n) + ")...")
   if n == 1 or n == 2:
      return (1)
      return fibo(n - 1, depth + 1) + fibo(n - 2, depth + 1)
print(fibo(5, 0))
## Computing fibo(5)...
##   Computing fibo(4)...
##     Computing fibo(3)...
##       Computing fibo(2)...
##       Computing fibo(1)...
##     Computing fibo(2)...
##   Computing fibo(3)...
##     Computing fibo(2)...
##     Computing fibo(1)...
## 5

String Reversal

  • Can we reverse a string recursively?

String Reversal

  • Can we reverse a string recursively?
    • Yes!
def reverse(s):
   if len(s) == 1:
      return (s)
      return ( s[-1] + reverse( s[:-1] ) )
print(reverse("burkay genc"))
## cneg yakrub


  • Find whether a given string is a palindrome
    • palindrome: a string that is equal to its reverse


  • Find whether a given string is a palindrome
  • First solution with reuse of reverse():
def isPalindrome(s):
   return s == reverse(s)
print(isPalindrome("burkay genc"))
## False
## True


  • Find whether a given string is a palindrome
  • Second solution with recursion:
def isPalindrome(s):
   if len(s) == 0 or len(s) == 1:
      return True
      return s[0] == s[-1] and isPalindrome(s[1:-1])
print(isPalindrome("burkay genc"))
## False
## True


  • Write a recursive function that checks whether a given sequence of numbers contains any negative numbers


  • Write a recursive function that checks whether a given sequence of numbers contains any negative numbers
def hasNegative(s):
    if len(s) == 0:
        return False
    return s[0] < 0 or hasNegative(s[1:])

## False
## True



Write a recursive function which takes two arguments: a sequence of numnbers and a target number; and returns True if a subset of the numbers in the sequence sum up to the target number.

  • Example
    • Given [4,7,-2,7,5,5,-1] and a target value of 13, the return value is True, because 7 + 7 + (-1) = 13.
    • However, with the same sequence and a target value of 29, the return value is False.



Write a recursive function which takes two arguments: a sequence of numnbers and a target number; and returns True if a subset of the numbers in the sequence sum up to the target number.

def subsetsum(s, t):
    if t == 0:         # if the target is 0, we are done
        return True
    elif len(s) == 0:  # and we know t != 0, because of the above condition
        return False
    else:              # we either have s[0] in the solution or not:
        return subsetsum(s[1:], t - s[0]) or subsetsum(s[1:], t)
print(subsetsum([4,7,-2,7,5,5,-1], 13))
## True
print(subsetsum([4,7,-2,7,5,5,-1], 29))
## False


  1. Write a function that takes two strings S1 and S2, and returns the position index of S2 in S1. If S2 does not exist in S1, then the function returns -1.

  2. Write a function str_replace that takes three strings, S1, S2 and S3; and replaces the first occurence of S2 in S1 with S3.

    • For example, str_replace("burkay genc", "kay", "ak") returns "burak genc"
  3. Try to solve the first problem using a recursive strategy.

  4. Using only 10 lira and 20 lira banknotes, in how many different ways can you pay 100 liras? Develop a recursive strategy to solve this problem.

    • The order of the banknotes are important. So 10+20+20+20+20+10 and 20+20+20+20+10+10 are counted as two different payments.
  5. Now, try to convert the strategy you have developed in 4 to Python code. You have to create a function pay(total, bn1, bn2). total is what you have to pay, bn1 and bn2 are the values of the banknotes you have to use. The function returns the number of ways this can be done.

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