Lecture 7


Burkay Genç, Ahmet Selman Bozkır, and Selma Dilek



  • tuples
  • lists


  • introduce new compound data types
    • dictionaries


How To Store Student Info

  • So far, we can store using separate lists for every info
names = ['Ali', 'Ahmet', 'Fatma', 'Kezban']
grades = ['B', 'A+', 'A', 'A']
courses = [101, 102, 101, 201]
  • a separate list for each item
  • each list must have the same length
  • info stored across lists at same index, each index refers to a different person

How To Update/Retrieve Student Info

names = ['Ali', 'Ahmet', 'Fatma', 'Kezban']
grades = ['B', 'A+', 'A', 'A']
courses = [101, 102, 101, 201]

def get_grade(student):
  i = names.index(student)
  grade = grades[i]
  course = courses[i]
  return (course, grade)

## (101, 'A')
  • messy if have a lot of different info to keep track of
  • must maintain many lists and pass them as arguments
  • must always index using integers
  • must remember to change multiple lists


  • Objects of type dict (short for dictionary) are like lists
    • except that we index them using keys
  • Think of a dictionary as a set of key/value pairs
  • Literals of type dict are enclosed in curly braces
  • Each element is written as a key followed by a colon followed by a value
my_dict = {"burkay":41, "ahmet": 23, "ayşe":34}
## 23
## 34


  • The key or the value can be anything
months = {1:"January", 2:"February", 3:"March", 4:"April"}
married = {"burkay":True, "ahmet":False, "ayşe":False}

print("The third month is", months[3])
## The third month is March
for i in married:
  if married[i]:
    print(i, "is married.")
    print(i, "is not married.")
## burkay is married.
## ahmet is not married.
## ayşe is not married.


  • If the key is not found:
married = {"burkay":True, "ahmet":False, "ayşe":False}

## KeyError: 'hasan'


  • Dictionaries are mutable.
    • Add, change or delete key/value pairs.

Add Key

  • To add a new key/value pair, just define it:
married["hasan"] = True
## {'burkay': True, 'ahmet': False, 'ayşe': False, 'hasan': True}

Test Key Existence

  • To test existence of a key, use in:
"burkay" in married
## True
"fatma" in married
## False

Delete Key

  • To delete a key, use del function:
## {'burkay': True, 'ahmet': False, 'ayşe': False, 'hasan': True}
## {'ahmet': False, 'ayşe': False, 'hasan': True}

Change Value

  • You can change an existing value
## {'ahmet': False, 'ayşe': False, 'hasan': True}
married["hasan"] = False
## {'ahmet': False, 'ayşe': False, 'hasan': False}

Get Value

  • Use the dictionary.get(key, val) function to safely check the value of a key
    • If key exists, returns dictionary[key]
    • Else, returns val
testDict = {1:"a", 2:"b", 3:"c", 4:"d"}

testDict.get(2, "does not exist")
## 'b'
testDict.get(9, "does not exist")
## 'does not exist'


  • dictionary[i] does not give you the ith item in the dictionary
  • It returns the value corresponding to key i
    • And, it can be anywhere
squares = {5:25, 4:16, 3:9, 2:4, 1:1}
## 1
## 25


  • Write a function that counts the number of letters in a string.


  • Write a function that counts the number of letters in a string.

  • strategy

    • use a dictionary to keep record of letter counts
    • iterate over the string letter by letter
      • add or update letter count


  • Write a function that counts the number of letters in a string.
testString = "this is a long string used for testing purposes"

def letterCount(s):
  d = {}
  for c in s:
    if c in d:
      d[c] += 1   # Same as d[c] = d[c] + 1
      d[c] = 1
  return d
## {'t': 4, 'h': 1, 'i': 4, 's': 7, ' ': 8, 'a': 1, 'l': 1, 'o': 3, 'n': 3, 'g': 3, 'r': 3, 'u': 2, 'e': 3, 'd': 1, 'f': 1, 'p': 2}

Get Items

  • You can get all (key, value) pairs as a list of tuples using ’items()`.
  • This allows you to convert a dictionary to a list.
d = letterCount(testString)
d2list = list(d.items())
## [('t', 4), ('h', 1), ('i', 4), ('s', 7), (' ', 8), ('a', 1), ('l', 1), ('o', 3), ('n', 3), ('g', 3), ('r', 3), ('u', 2), ('e', 3), ('d', 1), ('f', 1), ('p', 2)]
print("Value for key", d2list[3][0], "is", d2list[3][1], ".")
## Value for key s is 7 .

Get Keys

  • You can get a list of all keys in a dictionary:
d = letterCount(testString)
## dict_keys(['t', 'h', 'i', 's', ' ', 'a', 'l', 'o', 'n', 'g', 'r', 'u', 'e', 'd', 'f', 'p'])
  • this returns a dict_keys object which is iterable:
for key in d.keys():
## t
## h
## i
## s
## a
## l
## o
## n
## g
## r
## u
## e
## d
## f
## p

Get Keys

  • You can also convert a dict_keys to a list:
keys_list = list(d.keys())
## ['t', 'h', 'i', 's', ' ', 'a', 'l', 'o', 'n', 'g', 'r', 'u', 'e', 'd', 'f', 'p']

Get Values

  • You can get a list of all values in a dictionary:
## dict_values([4, 1, 4, 7, 8, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2])
  • this returns a dict_values object which is iterable:
for value in d.values():
## 4
## 1
## 4
## 7
## 8
## 1
## 1
## 3
## 3
## 3
## 3
## 2
## 3
## 1
## 1
## 2

Get Keys

  • You can also convert a dict_values to a list:
values_list = list(d.values())
## [4, 1, 4, 7, 8, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2]

Keys and Values

  • values
    • any type (immutable and mutable)
    • can be duplicates
    • dictionary values can be lists, even other dictionaries!
  • keys
    • must be unique
    • immutable type (int, float, string, tuple, bool)
    • actually need an object that is hashable, but think of it as immutable as all immutable types are hashable in Python
    • careful with float type as a key
  • no order to keys or values!
d = {4:{1:0}, (1,3):"twelve", 'const':[3.14,2.7,8.44]}

list vs dict

  • list
    • ordered sequence of elements
    • look up elements by an integer index
    • indices have an order
    • index is an integer
  • dict
    • matches “keys” to “values”
    • look up one item by another item
    • no order is guaranteed
    • key can be any immutable type


  • Write a function that takes a dictionary of shop items matched to their prices as a parameter, and returns the most expensive item and its price as a tuple (item, price).


  • Write a function that takes a dictionary of shop items matched to their prices as a parameter, and returns the most expensive item and its price as a tuple (item, price).
def find_the_most_expensive(d):
    max_price = -1
    max_item = None
    for key, value in d.items():
        if value > max_price:
            max_price = value
            max_item = key
    return (max_item, max_price)
  • Test with items = {'item1': 45.50, 'item2':35, 'item3': 41.30, 'item4':55, 'item5': 24}
items = {'item1': 45.50, 'item2':35, 'item3': 41.30, 'item4':55, 'item5': 24}
## ('item4', 55)

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