“ But one must learn to read, just as one must learn to see and learn to live. ” - Vincent Van Gogh, from Letters to Theo

course description

Computer vision aims to develop methods that enable machines to gain the ability to analyze and understand the visual inputs. This undergraduate level course is intended for introducing the fundamental topics of computer vision. In this context, we will first start from the low-level image perception aspects, such as image formation, cameras, color and continue with mid-level vision topics, such as interest point detection and local feature extraction. The course will also introduce the fundamentals of high-level vision tasks, such as face detection/recognition, object recognition and human motion analysis.

Prerequisites: linear algebra, basic knowledge of probability and statistics, good programming skills.

course logistics

Instructor: Nazli Ikizler Cinbis , nazli -at- cs.hacettepe.edu.tr

Office: 112, Office Hours: Thursdays 10:00-12:00

Lecture Hours: Fridays 09:00-11:45

Lecture Room: D8


Not required, but strongly suggested

grading policy

Project: The project will involve designing and implementing a computer vision system towards solving a fundamental vision problem. The project can be carried out individually or in groups of two. In the context of BBM418 Computer Vision Laboratory, the students are required to complete four programming assignments.

schedule (tentative)

Date Topic Slides Readings Assignments
March 8th Introduction to computer vision .ppt Szeliski 1
March 15th Image formation, camera and color .ppt Szeliski 2, FP 1.1,3.1,3.3 Assignment 1 out
March 22nd Filters, Templates and Image Pyramids .ppt Szeliski 3.2, FP 4
March 29th Interest points and image features .ppt Szeliski 4.1, FP 5 Assignment 1 due, Assignment 2 out
April 5th Edge Detection, line fitting .ppt Szeliski 4.1, FP 8
April 12th Machine learning: clustering and classification overview .ppt Szeliski 5 Assignment 2 due
April 19th Midterm Exam
April 26th Instance recognition, bag-of-words models .ppt Szeliski 14.2, Szeliski 14.3, FP 16 Assignment 3 out
May 3rd Object detection with sliding windows .ppt Szeliski 14.1, FP 17
May 10th Motion analysis and Tracking .ppt FP 11 Assignment 3 due
May 17th Human Action Recognition .ppt Assignment 4 out
May 24th Image Retrieval .ppt FP 21
May 31th Advanced Applications .ppt Final Project due
June 6th Project presentations Assignment 4 due

useful links