
Selma Dilek

Course Overview

This course provides a hands-on introduction to embedded systems. To teach fundamentals of embedded systems, we will focus on the ARM architecture and develop applications using a Texas Instruments ARM development kit.

This course is initially based on the EDX course Embedded Systems - Shape The World by Jonathan Valvano.

BBM 432: Friday 09:15 - 11:50
BBM 434 Sec 1: Friday 15:00 - 17:00
BBM 434 Sec 2: Friday 13:45 - 15:00

Number systems, basic electronics (switches, LED, resistors)
General purpose input output
Digital-to-analog conversion
Analog-to-digital conversion

You can download the course slides from the course Piazza Page

Valvano, J. Embedded Systems: Introduction to ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers, 2016, ISBN: 978-1477508992

There is also an ebook:

A midterm and a final exam.

I will give ungraded online quizzes which will be used for attendance. The quizzes start at 9:15 at the beginning of lectures, so prepare accordingly.

There will be 8 lab assignments.

Term project
Your team will develop a term project.

Attendance is mandatory. I will give ungraded online quizzes which will be used for attendance. If a student does not attend 5 quizzes, s/he will automatically fail with an F1 grade. The quizzes start at 9:15 at the beginning of lectures, so prepare accordingly.

BBM 432:
%50 Midterm
%50 Final
Ungraded Online Quizzes

BBM 434:
Labs: %60 (9 Labs)
Project (Counted as the Final): %40

  1. Keil uVision for the ARM, MDK-Lite
  2. Windows drivers for the LaunchPad board
  3. Driver Installation Instructions for Stellaris® In-Circuit Debug Interface (ICDI)
  4. Cortex M4 processor Instruction Set Reference Manual
  5. Cortex-M4 Technical Reference Manual
  6. LaunchPad Manual
  7. Data Sheet for the TM4C123 microcontroller

Week Resources
1 Introduction Intro Lab Slides
2 Deadline for forming lab groups Click to form a lab group
3 Lab 1 Instructions
4 Lab 2 Instructions
5 Lab 3 Instructions
6 Midterm Old Exams
7 Lab 4 + Project proposal Instructions
8 Lab 5 Instructions
9 Lab 6 Instructions
10 Lab 7 Instructions
11 Lab 8
12 Project progress assessment
13 Project progress assessment
14 Project progress assessment