Course Project

An integral part of the course is the class project (32% of the grade), which gives students a chance to apply deep architectures discussed in class to a research oriented project. The students should work in pairs. The course project may involve

In preparing your progress and final project reports, you should use the provided LaTeX template and submit them electronically in PDF format. Late submissions will be penalized.



Project Proposal

Due: November 9, 2022 (11:59pm)

Each group should submit a project proposal (~1-2 page long) on their specific project idea by November 9, 2022. The proposal should be prepared using this LaTeX template and should provide the following:

Progress Presentations

Due: December 7, 2022

Each project group will have ~6-8 mins to present their progresses on their projects in class. The suggested outline for the presentations are as follows:

Progress Report

Due: December 14, 2022 (11:59pm)

Each group should submit a project progress report by December 14, 2022. The report should be 4-6 pages and should be prepared using this LaTeX template. In your report, please describe the following points as clearly as possible:

Final Presentations

Due: January 4, 2023

Each project group will have ~10-12 mins to present their projects in class. The suggested outline for the presentations are as follows:

Final Report

Due: January 20, 2023 (11:59pm) (No late submissions)

As the last deliverable of the course project, each group is expected to submit a project report prepared using this LaTeX template. The report should be 8 pages and should be structured as a research paper. It will be graded based on clarity of presentation and technical content. A typical organization of a report might follow: