CMP717: Image Processing


Practical 3: Segmenting images using Markov Random Fields

Due: April 12, 2018 (23:59)

In this practical, you will use graphical models to segment a given image using a graph-cut-based formulation.

In particular, the purpose of this homework is to make you familiarize with the following concepts:

You will use the starter code provided here.

For more details on the homework, please read this document.

Practical 2: Patched-based image denoising using learned dictionaries

Due: March 29, 2018 (23:59)

In this practical, you will use sparse representations to denoise a given image using a visual dictionary of patches.

In particular, the purpose of this homework is to make you familiarize with the following concepts:

You will use the starter code provided here.

For more details on the homework, please read this document.

Practical 1: Boundary Detection via Sketch Tokens

Due: March 8, 2018 (23:59)

In this practical, you will implement a slightly simplified version of the so-called Sketch Tokens boundary detection method (Lim, Zitnick, and Dollar, 2013).

In particular, the purpose of this homework is to make you familiarize with the following concepts:

You will use the starter code provided here.

For more details on the homework, please read this document.