Bil 682 Artificial Intelligence

Course Project


For the BIL 682 course, the students are required to carry out a research project in a topic related to Artificial Intelligence. The topic of the project should be decided by the students and should be approved by the instructor. A proposal, an intermediate report and the final report are expected as the outcomes of the project.

Note that this is a research project, and it will be graded on the basis of originality, technical soundness, organization, clarity of presentation, and the significance of the results. The project reports should have proper grammar and style and adequate bibliography of the related work. The final report should be (at least) of a conference paper quality and be written in Latex format ( IEEE conference format).

Students can choose to work individually or in groups of (at most) 2 people. Each group member is expected to contribute equally to the project.


  1. Proposal: (Due 31.10.2011) This proposal should be at most one-page long and should include the problem definition and the proposed methodology.
  2. Intermediate Report: (Due 30.11.2011) More details on problem evaluation, and current progress about the project should be presented in this report. It should include a throughout literature review about the chosen topic, the steps of the methodology and the experimental setup.
  3. Final Report: (Due 08.01.2012) This final report should include all the details related your project. It should be in IEEE conference format conference paper, double column, single spacing and at most 12 pages long.

Possible Project Topics

Here is a list of possible project topics. This is not a comprehensive list, and you can suggest your own topic, provided that it is approved by the instructor.
  • Implementing and evaluating existing AI/Machine Learning techniques on a specific problem such as
    • classification of gene sequences, medical data
    • classification of financial data
    • image retrieval
    • image classification
    • natural language processing
    • or another specific problem
  • Application of a state-of-the-art game playing technique to a new game
  • Comparative evaluation of message passing algorithms for Bayes nets
  • Comparison of sampling-based methods and deterministic methods for combinatorial problems
  • Design, implementation and evaluation of path planning algorithms for robotics
  • Application of AI techniques for better web services
  • Web-cam based real-time gesture recognition based on machine learning
  • Evaluation of object/scene recognition in a specific setting
  • Other AI topics of interest