Hacettepe University

Computer Engineering

I am a life-long learner. My main objective is to constantly improve myself and use my knowledge and skills to contribute to the society in any way I can.


2024-2025 Fall

BBM203 Software Practicum I
BBM233 Logic Design Lab

2023-2024 Spring

MUH101 Introduction To Programming
BBM204 Software Practicum II

2023-2024 Fall

BBM203 Software Practicum I
BBM233 Logic Design Lab

2022-2023 Spring

MUH101 Introduction To Programming
BBM204 Software Practicum II

2022-2023 Fall

MUH101 Introduction To Programming
BBM233 Logic Design Lab

2021-2022 Spring

BBM204 Software Practicum II

2021-2022 Fall

BBM233 Logic Design Lab

2020-2021 Spring

BBM234 Computer Organization

2020-2021 Fall

BBM233 Logic Design Lab

2019-2020 Spring

BBM234 Computer Organization

2019-2020 Fall

BBM233 Logic Design Lab

2018-2019 Spring

BBM434 Embedded Systems Laboratory

2018-2019 Fall

BBM233 Logic Design Lab
BBM453 Computer Networks Lab

2017-2018 Spring

BBM234 Computer Organization

2017-2018 Fall

BBM103 Introduction to Programming Laboratory I

2016-2017 Spring

BBM104 Introduction to Programming Laboratory II

2016-2017 Fall

BBM103 Introduction to Programming Laboratory I



Title Year
Novel Framework and Methodology for Secure Internet of Things Ongoing
Investigation of Network-on-Chip Architectures for Deep Neural Network Accelerators Ongoing
Energy-Aware Application Mapping Methods for Hybrid Wireless Network-on-Chips 2022
Optimization Methods in High-Level Synthesis 2022
Quality of Service Aware Traffic Management for Internet of Things 2022
Energy and Reliability-Oriented Design Methods for Application Specific Integrated Circuits 2019
GPU-based Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Increasing the Coverage of WSNs 2018
NieSa - IoT-based remote health monitoring application (Graduate Thesis) 2017
Simple pariwise key distribution scheme for WSNs 2015
FPGA Synthesizer 2014
Ontology creation for an educational center 2012
Wavelet Thresholding of ECG Signals (Undergraduate Thesis) 2008
SAMS (Student Attendance Management System) 2007

Optical Illusions

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away!

- V. Corona

More sports photos here

Contact Info




Hacettepe University

Department of Computer Engineering

Beytepe Campus 06800