The subject matter of this course concerns fundamental algorithms in computer science. The course is structured around key topics including analysis of algorithms, sorting, searching, graph algorithms, string processing, dynamic programming, combinatorial search and NP-completeness.
The goal of this course is to teach students how to develop algorithms in order to solve the complex problems in the most efficient way. The students are expected to develop a foundational understanding and knowledge of key concepts that underlies important algorithms in use on computers today. The students will also be expected to gain hand-on experience via a set of programming assignments supplied in the complementary BBM 204 Software Practicum.
Section 1: Tuesday at 13:00-15:50 in Room D3
Section 2: Tuesday at 13:00-15:50 in Room D4
Section 3: Tuesday at 13:00-15:50 in Room D8
Section 1: Thursday at 09:00-10:50 in Comp. Lab
Section 2: Thursday at 11:00-12:50 in Comp. Lab
Section 3: Thursday at 13:00-14:50 in Comp. Lab
Erkut Erdem (Section 1) ·
Gonenc Ercan (Section 2) ·
Engin Demir (Section 3) ·
Merve Ozdes · | Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00 - 12:00
Selman Bozkır · | Office Hours: Monday 13:30 - 17:00
The course webpage will be updated regularly throughout the semester with lecture notes, programming and reading assignments and important deadlines. All other course related communications will be carried out through Piazza. Please enroll it by following the link:
Grading for BBM202 will be based on
In BBM204, the grading will be based on
Attendance to lectures is mandatory. A student who do not attend the lectures more than 4 weeks will fail BBM202 directly with an F1 grade. A student who do not attend more than 1 recitation session or quiz exams, do not submit more than 2 assignments will fail BBM204 directly with an F1 grade. You are responsible for all material presented in lectures. Some of the course material might not be covered in the textbook.
All work on assignments must be done individually unless stated otherwise. You are encouraged to discuss with your classmates about the given assignments, but these discussions should be carried out in an abstract way. That is, discussions related to a particular solution to a specific problem (either in actual code or in the pseudocode) will not be tolerated.
In short, turning in someone else’s work, in whole or in part, as your own will be considered as a violation of academic integrity. Please note that the former condition also holds for the material found on the web as everything on the web has been written by someone else.
Algorithms, 4th Edition, R. Sedgewick and K. Wayne, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2011
Week | Date | Topic | Notes |
1 | Feb 25 |
Course Introduction [slides], Analysis of Algorithms [slides] |
Reading: SW 1.4 |
2 | Mar 3 | Elementary Sorting Algorithms
Mergesort [slides] |
Reading: SW 2.1, 2.2 Quiz 1 - take-home |
3 | Mar 10 | Quicksort
Heapsort [slides] |
Reading: SW 2.3, 2.4 PA1 out |
4 | Mar 31 | Elementary Search Algorithms [slides], Binary Search Trees [slides] |
Reading: SW 3.1, 3.2 |
5 | Apr 7 | Balanced Trees [slides] | Reading: SW 3.3 Quiz 2 - take-home |
6 | Apr 14 | Hashing, Search Applications [slides] | Reading: SW 3.4, 3.5 PA2 out |
7 | Apr 21 | Undirected Graphs [slides] , Directed Graphs [slides] | Reading: SW 4.1, 4.2 Quiz 3 - take-home |
8 | Apr 28 | Minimum Spanning Trees [slides] | Reading: SW 4.3 |
9 | May 5 | Shortest Path [slides] | Reading: SW 4.4 PA3 out |
10 | May 12 | String Sorting [slides] | Reading: SW 5.1 Quiz 4 - take-home |
11 | May 19 | No class - national holiday | |
12 | May 26 | No class - national holiday | PA4 out |
13 | Jun 2 | Substring Search [slides] Regular Expressions [slides] |
Reading: SW 5.3 Quiz 5 - take-home |
14 | Jun 9 | Data Compression [slides] | Reading: SW 5.5 |