BBM 101 - Introduction to Programming I
Fall 2024

Drawing of Analytical Engine. Image: University of Cambridge
Course Information
Course Description
This course serves as an introduction to the fundamentals of
computer science and programming. It aims to help students with little
or no programming experience to gain necessary skills to work with
abstract notions for solving computational problems. The course is
structured around basic topics such as control flow, functions, lists,
input and output, simple data structures (sets, dictionaries), testing
and debugging, and recursion.
The class will use the Python as a medium to provide a basic
understanding of basic concepts in computer science, and the students
will gain hand-on experience via a set of programming assignments
supplied in the complementary BBM 103 Introduction to Programming
Time and Location
BBM 101
Section 1: Wednesday at 12:40-15:30 in D8
Section 2: Thursday at 09:40-12:30 in D1
Section 3: Wednesday at 12:40-15:30 in D1
BBM 103

Tunca Doğan (Section 1) Hours: By Appointment, Office 210

Ahmet Selman Bozkır (Section 2) Hours: By Appointment, Office 202

Aydın Kaya (Section 3) Hours: By Appointment, Office Z07/A
Teaching Assistants

Alpay Tekin Hours: By Appointment, Research Lab. 7 (Office 222)

Orhan Demirci Hours: By Appointment, Research Lab. 5 (Office 118)
Görkem Akyıldız Hours: By Appointment, Research Lab. 7 (Office 222)
Student Assistants
The course webpage will be updated regularly throughout the semester with lecture notes, programming and reading assignments and important deadlines. All other course related communications will be carried out through Piazza. Please enroll the corresponding class pages by following the links and
Students are not expected to have any prior programming experience.
Course Requirements and Grading
Grading for BBM 101 will be based on
- two midterm exams (30% + 30%),
- a final exam (40%).
- Five programming assignments (10%+15%+25%+25%+25% = 100%) (done individually).
All work on assignments must be done individually unless stated otherwise. You are encouraged to discuss with your classmates about the given assignments, but these discussions should be carried out in an abstract way. That is, discussions related to a particular solution to a specific problem (either in actual code or in the pseudocode) will not be tolerated.
In short, turning in someone else’s work, in whole or in part, as your own will be considered as a violation of academic integrity. Please note that the former condition also holds for the material found on the web as everything on the web has been written by someone else.
Attendance to lectures is mandatory. A student who do not attend the lectures more than 4 weeks will fail BBM101 directly with an F1 grade. A student who do not attend more than 3 recitation sessions or do not submit more than 1 assignments will fail BBM103 directly with an F1 grade. You are responsible for all material presented in lectures. Some of the course material might not be covered in the textbook.
Reference Books
CS for All, Christine Alvarado, Zachary Dodds, Geoff Kuenning, Ran Libeskind-Hadas, 2013
The Python Tutorial (available from the Python website)
Think Python, 2nd edition, Allen B. Downey (freely available online) (interactive version)
Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python, Second Edition, John V. Guttag, MIT Press, August 2016
Week | Lecture | Reading and Other Material | Assignments |
1 | What is computation and Computational Thinking | Guttag 1, Downey 1 Video: The birth of the computer, George Dyson Reading: Computer Science, Allen Newell, Alan J. Perlis, Herbert A. Simon |
2 | Introduction to Algorithms and Development Strategies | PA 1 out | |
3 | Stored Program Computers [codes] | Alvarado et al. 4 (excluding 4.5-3-4.5.4) HMMM Simulator |
PA 1 due |
4 | Introduction to Python, Statements, Expressions | Guttag 2.1, Downey 5.1-5.3 | |
5 | Control flow, Functions | Guttag 2.2-2.4, 3.1-3.2, 4.1-4.2, 4.4, Downey 3, 5.4-5.7 | |
6 | Arrays, Lists | Guttag 5.1-5.3, 5.5, Downey 10 | |
7 | Midterm 1 | PA2 out | |
8 | Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries | Guttag 5.1-5.6, Downey 10 | |
9 | File IO | Guttag 4.6, Downey 14 | PA2 due, PA3 out |
10 | Debugging, Exceptions, Testing | Guttag 6,7, Downey Debugging sections of each chapter, Appendix A | |
11 | Recursion | Guttag 4.3, Downey 5.8-5.10, 6.5 | PA3 due, PA4 out |
12 | Midterm 2 | ||
13 | Understanding Data | Guttag 11, Downey 14.1-14.4, 14.11 Immigration data on Canada as Excel file bbm101.csv file Breast Cancer Detection codes as Jupyter Notebook Breast Cancer Detection codes as pdf Pandas samples(from slides) |
PA4 due, PA5 out |
14 | Algorithmic Speed | Guttag 9, Downey Appendix B | PA5 due |
Deadlines for Programming Assignments
- Assignment 1 (Due: Oct 13, 2024 (23:00:00))
- Assignment 2 (Due: Nov 17, 2024 (23:00:00))
- Assignment 3 (Due: Dec 08, 2024 (23:00:00))
- Assignment 4 (Due: Dec 22, 2024 (23:00:00))
- Assignment 5 (Due: Dec 29, 2024 (23:00:00))
General purpose text editors
- Vim (Linux, OS X, Windows)
- Emacs (Linux, OS X, Windows)
- Sublime Text (Linux, OS X, Windows)
- Week 10 Exercise Input File
Setting up Python
PyCharm Edu Integrated Development Environment (IDE) will be used in laboratory classes for learning how to program with Python.