Detailed Syllabus and Lectures
Lecture 9: Deep Generative Models - Part 1 (slides)
unsupervised learning, sparse coding, autoencoders, autoregressive models
Please study the following material in preparation for the class:
Required Reading:
Suggested Video Material:
Additional Resources:
- Deep Generative Modelling: A Comparative Review of VAEs, GANs, Normalizing Flows, Energy-Based and Autoregressive Models, Sam Bond-Taylor, Adam Leach, Yang Long, Chris G. Willcocks, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intel., Vol. 44, No. 11, Nov. 2022.
- Pixel Recurrent Neural Networks, Aaron van den Oord, Nal Kalchbrenner, Koray Kavukcuoglu, ICML 2016.
- Conditional Image Generation with PixelCNN Decoders, Aaron van den Oord, Nal Kalchbrenner, Oriol Vinyals, Lasse Espeholt, Alex Graves, Koray Kavukcuoglu, NeurIPS 2016.
- Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning, Andrew Ng.
- [Blog post] Unsupervised Sentiment Neuron, Alec Radford, Ilya Sutskever, Rafal Jozefowicz, Jack Clark and Greg.
Lecture 8: Attention, Transformers and Memory (slides)
content-based attention, location-based attention, soft vs. hard attention, self-attention, attention for image captioning, transformer networks
Please study the following material in preparation for the class:
Required Reading:
Suggested Video Material:
Additional Resources:
- Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate, D. Bahdanau, K. Cho, Y. Bengio, ICLR 2015
- Sequence Modeling with CTC, Awni Hannun, Distill, 2017
- Recurrent Models of Visual Attention, V. Mnih, N. Heess, A. Graves, K. Kavukcuoglu, NeurIPS 2014
- Attention Is All You Need, Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, Illia Polosukhin, NeurIPS 2017
- [Blog post] The Transformer Family, Lilian Weng
Lecture 7: Recurrent Neural Networks (slides)
sequence modeling, recurrent neural networks (RNNs), RNN applications, vanilla RNN, training RNNs, long short-term memory (LSTM), LSTM variants, gated recurrent unit (GRU)
Please study the following material in preparation for the class:
Required Reading:
Suggested Video Material:
Additional Resources:
Lecture 6: Understanding and Visualizing Convolutional Neural Networks (slides)
transfer learning, interpretability, visualizing neuron activations, visualizing class activations, pre-images, adversarial examples, adversarial training
Please study the following material in preparation for the class:
Required Reading:
Suggested Video Material:
Additional Resources:
- [Blog post] Understanding Neural Networks Through Deep Visualization, Jason Yosinski, Jeff Clune, Anh Nguyen, Thomas Fuchs, and Hod Lipson.
- [Blog post] The Building Blocks of Interpretability, Chris Olah, Arvind Satyanarayan, Ian Johnson, Shan Carter, Ludwig Schubert, Katherine Ye and Alexander Mordvintsev.
- [Blog post] Feature Visualization, Chris Olah, Alexander Mordvintsev and Ludwin Schubert.
- [Blog post] An Overview of Early Vision in InceptionV1, Chris Olah, Nick Cammarata, Ludwig Schubert, Gabriel Goh, Michael Petrov, Shan Carter.
- [Blog post] OpenAI Microscope.
- [Blog post] Breaking Linear Classifiers on ImageNet, Andrej Karpathy.
- [Blog post] Attacking machine learning with adversarial examples, OpenAI.
Lecture 5: Convolutional Neural Networks (slides)
convolution layer, pooling layer, evolution of depth, design guidelines, residual connections, semantic segmentation networks, object detection networks, backpropagation in CNNs
Please study the following material in preparation for the class:
Required Reading:
Suggested Video Material:
Additional Resources:
Lecture 4: Training Deep Neural Networks (slides)
data preprocessing, weight initialization, normalization, regularization, model ensembles, dropout, optimization methods
Please study the following material in preparation for the class:
Required Reading:
Suggested Video Material:
Additional Resources:
- Stochastic Gradient Descent Tricks, Leon Bottou.
- Section 3 of Practical Recommendations for Gradient-Based Training of Deep Architectures, Yoshua Bengio.
- Troubleshooting Deep Neural Networks: A Field Guide to Fixing Your Model, Josh Tobin.
- [Blog post] Initializing neural networks, Katanforoosh & Kunin,
- [Blog post] Parameter optimization in neural networks, Katanforoosh et al.,
- [Blog post] The Black Magic of Deep Learning - Tips and Tricks for the practitioner, Nikolas Markou.
- [Blog post] An overview of gradient descent optimization algorithms, Sebastian Ruder.
- [Blog post] Why Momentum Really Works, Gabriel Goh
Lecture 3: Multi-layer Perceptrons (slides)
feed-forward neural networks, activation functions, chain rule, backpropagation, computational graph, automatic differentiation, distributed word representations
Please study the following material in preparation for the class:
Required Reading:
Suggested Video Material:
Additional Resources:
Lecture 2: Machine Learning Overview (slides)
types of machine learning problems, linear models, loss functions, linear regression, gradient descent, overfitting and generalization, regularization, cross-validation, bias-variance tradeoff, maximum likelihood estimation
Please study the following material in preparation for the class:
Required Reading:
Suggested Video Material:
Additional Resources:
Lecture 1: Introduction to Deep Learning (slides)
course information, what is deep learning, a brief history of deep learning, compositionality, end-to-end learning, distributed representations
Please study the following material in preparation for the class:
Required Reading:
Additional Resources:
- The unreasonable effectiveness of deep learning in artificial intelligence, Terrence J. Sejnowski, PNAS, 2020.
- Deep Learning, Yann LeCun, Yoshio Bengio, Geoffrey Hinton. Nature, Vol. 521, 2015.
- Deep Learning in Neural Networks: An Overview, Juergen Schmidhuber. Neural Networks, Vol. 61, pp. 85–117, 2015.
- On the Origin of Deep Learning, Haohan Wang and Bhiksha Raj, arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.07800v4, 2017